Agrowon tabloid wins two awards at Goafest 2017

Panaji: Agrowon, the tabloid daily, won two bronze awards at the recently concluded Goafest 2017. It is for the first time that Agrowon sent entries for these most coveted awards and bagged medals in its very first outing. Abby’s is the most prestigious national award for excellence in communication, which is held annually for the past 10 years. The two Agrowon entries submitted were for ‘Best promotion of a CSR/cause-related marketing initiative in traditional or online space’, for which Agrowon submitted the Agrowon Sarpanch Mahaparishad initiative. The other entry submitted was under the category of ‘Best Publishing brand activation’, for which Agrowon submitted the Agrowon Samwad initiative.

Received ABBY’s Trophy to Agrowon Sarpanch Mahaparishad & Agrowon Samwad initiative

Agrowon Sarpanch Mahaparishad initiative wins accolade: Abby’s is the most prestigious national award for excellence in communication, which is held annually for the past 10 years. The two Agrowon entries submitted were for ‘Best promotion of a CSR/cause-related marketing initiative in traditional or online space’, for which Agrowon submitted the Agrowon Sarpanch Mahaparishad initiative.

The Agrowon Sarpanch Parishad is an initiative to empower agriculture-centric rural economy. It is the only platform in India, which inspires and motivates the leaders’ community of gram panchayats in the state with the aim of imparting knowledge for village development at zero cost expense. This dynamic platform is evolving day by-day and facilitates a constructive exchange between young leaders of the grampanchayat and the village administration. Out of 28,000 sarpanches in the state, 1,007 attended the conference. They firmly believe that the rural development gathers speed due to the sarpanch’s desire to learn more, as they feel that it would not only help the villages to grow and prosper but the entire state could gain fruitfully.

Agrowon Samwad entry submitted under the Best Publishing brand activation was an initiative, which purely focuses on farm-to-farm development. It is the only brand activation platform across the world, which directly connects to the entire agrarian fraternity for better farming practices. Its objective is to bridge the service gap between agricultural universities (related to research & its implication) and the farming community. It is a farm-to-farm movement of knowledge transfer initiative on a monthly basis. It is a well planned and deep rooted activity to spread knowledge on a variety of agricultural subjects. The attendees get connected with ‘Agrowon’ seamlessly and ‘Agrowon’ becomes a lifeline for their agriculture knowledge-related needs. In 2016, around 175 events were held across Maharashtra, in which 20,000 farmers attended and got connected with ‘Agrowon’ during the event.

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